'My evil boyfriend raped me in my sleep for TWO YEARS': Victim was sedated by PC's son who even took pictures as he abused her
A terrified woman has revealed her disgust at discovering her boyfriend of two years had repeatedly raped her while she slept.
Naomi Hampson, 27, only found out she had regularly fallen victim to sick Robert Fryer when police raided the couple's home.
Her perverted boyfriend would sedate her and often paint her nails and dress her in jewellery before taking photographs of his revolting acts and saving them on his computer.
Oblivious: Naomi was unaware Fryer had been raping her as she slept
'It is so sinister all that time I was living with someone capable of that. He has no emotion. He is evil. And if the police hadn't found out I could have still been living with him. It's terrifying.'
Nottingham Crown Court heard in August that Fryer, a policeman's son, has the rare condition somnophillia - dubbed 'sleeping princess syndrome'.
He admitted raping Miss Hampson three times between 2008 and 2011. He also pleaded guilty to a separate charge of sexual activity without consent and was jailed for eight years.
The couple moved in together in Nottingham, having met on a night out in 2008, and Fryer was soon taking advantage of Miss Hampson , who struggled emotionally after her father John, 77, being was diagnosed with cancer.
Miss Hampson was drinking more than usual but would wake up on the sofa or in bed without any knickers on and sometimes wearing nail polish or jewellery - but had no memory of falling sleep.
Jailed: Fryer admitted raping Naomi at Nottingham Crown Court
Miss Hampson, who has waived her right to anonymity to speak out, said Fryer had made out she was drinking too much. She described him as a psychopath and believes he got a thrill from the confused.
Miss Hampson told the Sunday People: 'My entire life has been shattered into thousands of tiny pieces and my soul feel broken. I hate him for what he did to me.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2241747/My-life-shattered-Woman-raped-sleep-sick-boyfriend-years.html#ixzz2E1h6Focd
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When it comes to gifts, it's not the thought that counts. At least not in America's wealthiest households.
Two-thirds of affluent American women want gift cards. But less than a fifth of men will give it to them, according to a report from American Express Publishing and the Harrison Group out Thursday.
Instead, 70% of women are gifted clothing or jewelry.
A survey of 625 households that represent the top 10% of the nation's wage earners found a wide gap between what people want and what they will actually get.
Men should also lower their expectations. They want food and alcohol -- a third are hoping for gourmet foods and fine wine, and another third want gift cards. But women like to give none of those -- 30% are expected to give clothing, and another 15% books.
What wealthy shoppers are better suited for will be giving gifts to themselves.
Nearly half of women said they were extremely, or very likely, to buy themselves presents this holiday season. A third of men have similar intentions.
"Perhaps America is giving itself a bonus this year," said Jim Taylor, vice chairman of Harrison Group, in a statement.
Holiday retail sales are expected to increase 4.1% this year, according to estimates from the National Retail Federation. That's the most optimistic forecast from the group since the recession.
The American Express and Harrison Group survey found that gift giving will be down overall this year, but the top 10% will spend nearly 22% more on gifts this year than they did in 2011.
kissing is a pleasure,
fucking is a
guys get all the
girls get all the pain,he
says he loves u nd u believe its
true until ua belly starts to swell
and he says hell with u.
of pleasure,9months and pain,3
days in hospital.
a child without a
name, the baby is bastard, the
mother is a whore...
this never
would have happened if the
rubber hadnt tore....
Take care ladies..
of pleasure,9months and pain,3
days in hospital.
a child without a
name, the baby is bastard, the
mother is a whore...
this never
would have happened if the
rubber hadnt tore....
Take care ladies..

she wore it during week days and weekends..
Either going to the garden or going to church.
Luckly her kids got good jobs....
They agreed to buy her expensive clothes and jewels then took them to her!!
she was very glad to her kids..
That sunday after bathing since she loved her long old ragged dress she wore it then on the top she wore the new expensive clothes her kids bought for her together with the jewels...
As she entered the church everybody stared at her and no one wanted to sit near nor be assotiated with her...
kids made fun of her saying she was mad!
Even with the new clothes and expensive jewels she appeared dirty and crazy because of the ragged dress she wore inside.
The same case with our lives if our hearts are full of dirty things e.g
Jeolous, hatred, selfishness and being mean no matter how beautiful and clean we are before God.
we are dirty..
we better change...
Either going to the garden or going to church.
Luckly her kids got good jobs....
They agreed to buy her expensive clothes and jewels then took them to her!!
she was very glad to her kids..
That sunday after bathing since she loved her long old ragged dress she wore it then on the top she wore the new expensive clothes her kids bought for her together with the jewels...
As she entered the church everybody stared at her and no one wanted to sit near nor be assotiated with her...
kids made fun of her saying she was mad!
Even with the new clothes and expensive jewels she appeared dirty and crazy because of the ragged dress she wore inside.
The same case with our lives if our hearts are full of dirty things e.g
Jeolous, hatred, selfishness and being mean no matter how beautiful and clean we are before God.
we are dirty..
we better change...
Not everythng goes as we want, there are times when thngs dont go our way and we cant help to complain and get mad at ourselves, our beloved ones and even complain to God! Bt we must remember that everythng happens 4 a reason! So in any case we have to trust in God, coz he've better plans 4 our lives and most of al he loves us alot! Cases like ths happen
Me: God can i ask u a question
GOD: sure
Me: but promis u wont get mad okey?!
GOD: i promis
Me: why dd u let so much stuf happened to me yesterday
GOD: what do u min?
Me: well i woke u late
Me:my car took 4eva to start and i ddnt get to work on tym
GOD: okey?
Me: at lunch they made my food Wrong and i had to wait
GOD: Mmmh?
Me: on ma way home ma fon went dead jst as i pickd it up
GOD: alright?
Me: and to top it al off when i got home i jst wantd to soak my feet in my new foot massager and relax but it wouldnt work! Nothng went ryt 4 me. Why dd u do that?!
GOD:lets see, the death angel was at ur bed the other mornin n i had to send one of my angels to battle him 4 ur lyf! Thats why i let u sleep through
Me:(humbled) oh
GOD: i ddnt let ur car start coz ther was a drunk driver on ur rout that would have hit u if u were on the road
GOD: The first person who made ur lunch was sick and i ddnt want u to catch what they have! I knw u wouldnt aford to mis ur work n clases
GOD:ur phon died coz the person called was gng to lie to u abt that issue in the office! Thats why i ddnt let u talk to them
Me:(softly) i see
GOD: Oh and abt the massager it hat a shortage that was gng to cut through the power in ur house an i ddnt thnk u wanted to b in the dark
Me:im sory ma Lord
GOD:dnt be jst learn to trust me in al thngs good or bad
Me: i promc 2 trust u 4ever
GOD: And dont dout my plan for ur day is always better than urs
Me: i wont God let me tel u thanx 4 everthng
GOD:ur welcome my child, it was jst another day being ur God &father and i love lookng after ma children
We always saf around hm, he knew us b4 we were born, he created us, he knws ur end and he always whats best 4 us! He can test us but he'll never crucify us! All we've to do is to entrust our faith in hm
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.
He asked
her,'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.
Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying:
'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.'
This is how the human brain often works when our status changes.
Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.
Life Is a Gift
before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.
you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.
before you complain about life - Think of someone who died too early
you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.
you get upset because your housemaid had not show up to clean your dirty house - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.
And when
you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.
before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is perfect.
And when
depressing thoughts seem to get you down...
Put a smile on your face and think:
Hey, im alive and still around!
Naitwa Hassani mimi nina miaka 43 ni mwenyeji wa tanga lakini kwa sana naishi shinyanga maana ninafanya kazi kwenye mgodi mmoja hivi.nimeoa na nina watoto wawili,nampenda sana mke wangu kiasi kwamba sitaki apate shida yeyote ile.Mke wangu hana kazi yeyote ile kwa hiyo yeye ni mama wa nyumbani tu,ili kuonesha upendo wa dhati na uaminifu kwa mke nimeamua kumpa card yangu ya bank hivyo basi yeye ndo
na maamuzi yote juu ya matumizi ya pesa,vilevile mimi sina simu bali
huwa natumia simu ya mke wangu kufanya mawasiliano na ndugu na
marafiki.Na nimefanya hivi ili kuepuka vishawishi vitakavyofanya
nimsaliti mke wangu.Ngudu zangu wananisema sana wanadai eti nimetawaliwa
na mwanamke,hawajui kwamba nafanya haya uote kutokana na mapenzi ya
dhati niliyonayo kwa mke wangu.
Naitwa jackson nina miaka 22 ni mwanafunzi wa chuo kikuu,nina kaka yangu ambaye tumezaliwa baba mmoja mama mmoja...kaka yangu ameoa mwaka mmoja uliopita na bado hajafanikiwa kupata mtoto.Mke wa kaka ni mzuri sana tena sana kiasi kwamba mwanaume yeyote rijali akimuona lazima atampenda.Tangu siku ya kwanza namfahamu shemeji yangu,alionesha kunichangamkia sana kitu kilichofanya nimzoee mapema sana.We
ek iliyopita wakati kaka
yuko kazini mimi na shemeji tulikuwa sitting room tunaangalia
filamu,shemeji alikatisha ukimya uliokuwa umetawala na kunitamkia kitu
kilichonishtua sana.Aliniambia ananipenda mimi zaidi ya anavyompenda
kaka na akadiriki kusema kwamba anajuta kuolewa na kaka yangu maana
anahisi mapenzi yake yote yako kwangu.Akasema anajua kuolewa na mimi
haitawezekana tena bali anachoomba ni mimi niwe na mahusiano naye ya
kimapenzi kwa siri.
Naitwa Suzane nina miaka 23,nimeolewa miaka minne sasa na nina mtoto mmoja.Mwanzoni maisha ya ndoa upande wangu yalikuwa mazuri sana.Mwaka huu mwezi wa kwanza mume wangu amebadilika sana,yani anachelewa kurudi nyumbani,akija anakuwa amechoka sana kiasi kwamba analala kama gogo hata haki yangu ya ndoa hanipi kama zamani na hata akinipa inakuwa ni round moja tu tena ya haraka haraka.Hali hii inaniumiza sana maana mda mwingi nakuwa nahitaji lakini mume wangu ndo hivyo tena.
Nii mwajiriwa wa kazi ambayo inanikidhi kimaisha,.Nikiwa chuo nilikuwa na msichana ambae ananipenda sana tena sana,.lkn mm nilikuwa cna hisia nae kabisa,.kila sku yule msichana alikuwa ananiomba tuwe wote lkn mm namwambia anipe muda,,.japokuwa hilo neno huwa linamuumiza...baada ya miezi kupita yule msichana ananipigia cm nakuniambia kuwa amepata mchumba,.kusema ukweli nahisi wivu sana,..pindi anapokuwa na mchumba wake hata ucku huwa anipigia nimsalimie..MWENZENU NIMEGUNDUA KUWA NAMPENDA SANA YULE NATAMANI KUFANYA KITU ILIASIOLEWE NA HUYO MCHUMBA YAKE..NAONA WIVU SANA HATA USINGIZI HUWA NAKOSA.
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