Maisha magumu aliyopitia Nicki Minaj, Baba yake alikuwa mkatili na drug addict na alichoma nyumba yao ili amuue mama yake.
Kila mtu ambae amefanikiwa kwa kupanda mwenyewe kutoka chini
kwenda juu lazima anasimulizi la maisha yake ambalo lina mabonde na milima ya
kushangaza kidogo, lakini inavuta usikivu na hisia sana pale msichana mrembo
aliyefanikiwa kuwa kati ya list ya juu duniani kimuziki akiwa na simulizi la
maisha yake linalotisha ama kuogofya tena akitishwa na yule aliyemzaa.
Jina lake la kuzaliwa ni Onika Tanya Maraj a.k.a Nicki
Minaj, first lady wa Young Money mwenye umri wa miaka 30.
Nicki Minaj ali-experience maisha ya kusikitisha hasa katika
familia yake mwenyewe iliyomlea, lakini pia mikiki mikiki toka kwa dingi
mkorofi ilikuwa balaaa. Baba yake mzazi alikuwa mtumiaji wa madawa ya kulevya
kupitiliza, kiasi cha kuwa Teja ajabu, lakini pia alikuwa mkorofi na mkatili
sana kitu kilichopelekea wanafamilia hao kuishi kwa uoga na mashaka.
Ilifikia hatua baba Nicki Minaj aliwasha moto kwenye nyumba
ya familia hiyo akijaribu kumuua mama yake Nicki Minaj, jaribio ambalo
Lakini Nicki Minaj mwenyewe anasema alijaribu sana kumsaidia
mama yake kadri anavyoweza na alitaka awe shupavu sana lakini mama yake
hakuweza, Nicki alijiwekea malengo ya kuwa mwenye mafanikio baada ya kufanya
kazi ili amsaidie mama yake.
“Siku zote nilikuwa na hiki kitu cha kuwawezeshesha wanawake
kwenye akili yangu”, aliliambia jarida la Details, “kwa sababu nilitaka mama
yangu awe shupavu, na hakuweza. Niliwaza, kama ntakuwa mwenye mafanikio, Naweza
kubadili maisha yake.” Huyo ni Nicki Minaj.
Nicki Minaj alianza kuandika mashairi akiwa na umri wa miaka
12 tu, na baada ya kumaliza La Guardia High School, ambayo inatoa elimu ya
sanaa na Muziki aliwaza moja kwa moja kuingia kwenye biashara ya muziki.
Alianzia chini na alianza kwa kufanya back up kwa rapperz wa jiji la New York.
Muda mfupi baadae alianza kuandika mashairi yake mwenyewe, na baadae akakutana
na Lil Wayne aliyegundua kipaji chake ni silaha ya biashara ya muziki na
kumsaini Young Money, ambapo alimsaidia kuifanya mixtape ya “Playtime is Over”,
baada ya hapo akaishika dunia na michano yake na kuchukua tuzo kibao zenye
heshima duniani, na kupata heshima pia hivi karibuni kuwa jaji wa shindano la
kuimba la American Idol wakati album yake ya Pink Friday Roman Reloaded; Re-Up
iko sokoni.
“Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart” wa Twililight wanaswa na paparazzi wakijaribu kutafuta suluhu, ni baada ya Kristen kusaliti penzi na director wake.
Mastaa wa series inayotikisa kwa story ya
vampire ambao pia walikuwa wapenzi wa kweli Robert Pattinson na Kristen
Stewart’s inaonekana bado wanapendana sana baada ya wawili hao kunaswa na
paparazzi wakizungumza ili kurudisha tena uhusiano wao.
Inawezekana wanatafuta suluhu ama ndo tayari wamesharudiana japo bado hawajatangaza rasmi kuwa wamerudiana na hii ni kutokana na ripoti mbali mbali zinazoonesha kuwa wawili hao wanahang out pamoja mara kwa mara.
Ripoti zinasema kuwa reconciliation yao ya
kwanza kabisa tangu mwezi July Kriten alipoliti penzi lao na director wao
ilikuwa ni October 13, katika maeneo ya Hollywood, ambapo walikutana katika
sherehe ya kuadhimisha birthday ya
rafiki yao na waliingia na kukaa karibu, na chanzo kimoja kililiambia Weekend
Weekly kuwa Pattinson na Stewart walikuwa wananong’onezana kwa ukaribu sana
muda wote walipokuwa pale.
Na siku ya pili ilikuwa katika bar inayoitwa Ye Rustic Inn huko Los Feliz. Amabapo chanzo kinasema walispend zaidi ya masaa manne ndani ya hiyo bar wakinywa na kupiga story usiku mzima na marafiki zao kama 10 hivi. Na jumatatu ya wiki hii walienda lunch wote maeneo ya Hollywood katika hotel.
Chanzo hicho kilimalizia kwa kusema kuwa
inavyoonekana Pattison ameamua kumsamehe Kristen na anajaribu kuamini kuwa hata
rudia tena.
Japokuwa wawili hawa wanaonekana wako close na huenda wakawa wamerudiana, bado mambo hayawezi kuwa kama zamani, kwa sababu bado mashabiki wa Twilight hasa Marekani wanaonekana wanakinyongo na Kristen kwa usaliti wake katika mapenzi.
Pamoja na hayo yote series ya Twilight Saga
inaendelea na katika MTV VMAs ilionesha trailer ya muendelezo wa series hiyo
yenye fans wengi duniani kote na inasemekana kuwa ni sehemu ya mwisho.
Rihanna na Karruache wamekubaliana kushare mpenzi??? Camera zamnasa Karruache akitoka kwa Chris Brown mapema asubuhi.
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Karruache akitoka kwa Chris asubuhi huku akionekana kachoka. |
Kamera za mapaparazi wa Marekani zimemnasa ex-girlfriend wa Chris
Breezy akitoka nyumbani kwa Chris mapema asubuhi huku akionekana kama yuko
Ripoti zilizotolewa na paparazzi wa huko
marekani zinasema gari la mrembo huyo aina ya sports lenye rangi ya blue
limekuwa likionekana nje ya nyumba ya
Chris Brown mara nyingi usiku.
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Gari ya Karruache (ya blue) |
Na mapaparazi hao inaonekana waliendelea
kuvuta subira waweze kuona kama yuko pale ama ni gari tu ndilo limepakiwa hapo,
sasa asubuhi moja walipomshuhudia mrembo huyo akitoka kwenye nyumba hiyo ya
Chris na akiwa na kila dalili za kuwa walispend usiku pamoja na ex-boyfriend
wake sababu ya muonekano wa uchovu aliokuwa nao. Hali hii iliwafanya watu wengi
kujiuliza maswali mengi, na wengine walisema labda Chris Brown, Karruache na
Rihanna wameamua kuwa na ‘open relationship’ kwa sababu Rihanna sasa hivi
anaonekana hayuko around so ni time ya Karrueche.
Swali hilo linakuja baada ya Breezy
kutangaza kumpiga chini Karruache kwa sababu ya urafiki wake na Rihanna, na
siku chache baadae akasema kuwa anawapenda wote Karruache na Rihanna ambao wote
ni ex-girlfriends wake.
Inaonekana kama Chris ameamua kutumia
udhaifu wa moyo wa warembo hawa wanaoonekana kumpenda na yeye ameamua kuwapa
burudani wote kwa sababu naye anawataka wote. Swali ni kwamba, Rihanna na
Karruache wamekubaliana kushare penzi? Ama Rihanna atafanayaje akiona picha za
Karrueache akitoka kwa Chris ambae sasa hivi naweza kusema ni ‘wao’? mapenzi
kikohozi, lazima itafahamika tu.
Nick Minaj ambwatukia Mariah Carey, amtishia “I’m gonna knock you out”
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Nick Minaj |
Wiki chache baada ya Mariah Carey kukanusha
tetesi kuwa alikuwa na beef na Young Money Queen Nick Minaj ambae ni jaji
mwenzake kwenye American Idol sasa mambo yamekuwa tofauti baada ya video yenye
picha tofauti kabisa na kile kilichoelezwa na Carey kusambaa kwenye mitandao.
Video hiyo inaonesha Nick Minaj akiwa
kakasirika na anampa makavu live Mariah Carey, tukio hili limetokea wakati
wanaendelea na kazi yao ya kujaji washiriki mbalimbali na safari hii walikuwa
Charlotte, North Carolina.
Mtu mmoja ambae alishuhudia live tukio hilo
amesema kuwa Nick Minaj alionekana kupandisha mzuka na kufikia hatua ya
kumtishia the R&B diva Mariah Carey na kusema “I’m gonna knock you out”.
Chanzo hicho kiliendelea kusema kuwa Nick
Minaj aliongea kwa sauti ya juu sana na kumtolea matusi makali Mariah Carey
akisema “I told them, I’m not f***kin’
putting her f**kin’ highness there.” Lakini hii sehemu haikushikwa na lensi ya
camera hiyo iliyokuwa inachukua matukio ya American Idol.
Inasemekana kuwa hii varangati ilitokea
baada ya kutofoutiana sana katika maamuzi kwa washiriki walio-perform siku
hiyo. Wakati hayo yanatokea, Nick Minaj na Mariah Carey walikuwa wamekaa kwenye
meza ya majaji, na jaji mwenzao Keith akiwa amekaa katikati yao na Randy
Jackson akiwa amekaa mwishoni upande wa Mariah Carey.
Kutokana na hali hiyo watayarishaji wa
American Idol iliwalazimu kusimamisha performance ya siku hiyo ili majaji hawa
wacool down kwanza. Hali hii inaonekana kuwatishia waandaji wa American Idol na
wana wasiwasi kama Nick Minaj na Mariah Carey watadumu kwa muda mrefu wakiwa
wanafanya kazi yao pamoja kama majaji wa American Idol.
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Mariah Carey |
Katikati ya mwezi September iliripotiwa
kuwa Nick Minaj na Mariah Carey hawana maelewano mazuri, na mtu mmoja ambae ni
mfatiliaji wa mambo ya muziki Marekani alisema hata Mariah Carey alipopigiwa
simu kuambiwa kuwa Nick Minaj ndo atakuwa jaji mwenzake kati ya wale wanne
alikata simu.
Lakini September 17 ambapo MTV ilienda New
York pale ambapo American Idol ilikuwa imeanza na ikafanyika kwa siku mbili,
ili kujionea nini kilikuwa kinaendelea kati ya Mariah Carey na Nick Minaj, na
walipouliza kuhusu kutoelewana, wote walikuwa wanatabasamu kama vile walisikia
utani hivi, na Mariah Carey akaonesha kushangazwa na taarifa hizi jinsi
zilivyosambaa kwa haraka ndani ya muda mfupi sana, na akamaliza kwa kusema
"It's fun, it's music, it's singing, it's laughter," na Nick Minaj
akawa anatikisa kichwa kuonesha anasapoti alichokuwa anasema Mariah Carey.
Wajuzi wa mambo walisema time will tell
sasa kila kitu kinaanza kuonekana hadharani, chanzo kabisa cha kutoelewana kwa
wawili hawa bado hakijajulikana kwa sababu kama Mariah Carey alikata simu pale
tu aliposikia jaji mwenzake atakuwa Nick Minaj, basi chanzo sio kutoelewana
katika maamuzi ya ujaji wao, there must be a long term factor.
Britney Spears, Taylor swift wamsogelea Oprah katika list ya wanawake wanaolipwa zaidi, Rihanna nafasi ya nne, Beyonce afichwa.
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Oprah Winfrey |
List ya wanawake wanaojihusisha na entertainment
wanaolipwa mpunga mrefu zaidi duniani kwa ajili ya kazi zao kwa mwaka
iliyotolewa na Forbes inaonesha kuwa Oprah Winfrey anayeendesha talk show
anashikilia nafasi ya kwanza, ambapo kati ya may 2011 na may 2012 amepokea $
165 million. Na imegundulika kuwa bado kuna mshahara mwingine hajapata, kwa
hiyo hautajumuishwa kwenye pato la mwaka ujao, 2013 ili isiwe nafasi ya
kumuongezea ushindi tena mwaka ujao kumbe kuna pato la mwaka huu bado
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Britney Spears |
Katika list hiyo nafasi ya pili imekamatwa
na judge wa X Factor mwanadada Britney Spears, ambae yeye ameingiza mpunga wa
ukweli kiasi cha $58 million ndani ya mwaka mmoja. Kwa mujibu wa Forbes Spears
alimake mkwanja mrefu sana kupitia album yake na hasa kupitia tour ya album hiyo
aliyoibatiza “Femme Fatale tour”, na
alijazilishia kwa mkataba mnono wa kuendesha X Factor ambao ni $15
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Taylor Swift |
Nafasi ya tatu imekamatwa na mwanadada
Taylor Swift ambae ana historia ya aina yake na MTV VMAs, alipovamiwa jukwaani
na Kanye West, na hili tukio liliwafanya watu wengi zaidi kutega masikio kwa
huyu mwanadada mwenye umri wa miaka 22 hivi. Yeye amemfata kwa karibu sana
Briteney Spears kwa kuingiza $57 millioni kwa mwaka kama pato halisi. Huyu ni
mwanadada mwenye umri mdogo zaidi kwenye hii list na tour yake ya Speak Now
ilichangia kwa kiasi kikubwa sana pato lake lakini pia ngoma kibao kali
alizoachia ikiwemo ile safe &sound. Na mwezi huu anatarajia kuachia album
yake inayoitwa Red. Kumbuka wimbo wake wa kwanza ulikaa kwenye nafasi za juu sana
za Billboard’s Hot 100 chart kwa muda wa wiki tatu.
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Rihanna |
Nafasi ya nne imekamatwa na the R&B
Queen Rihanna, lakini hapa amefungana na mwanadada Ellen DeGeneres wote wakiwa
wameingiza kiasi cha $53 million.
Nafasi ya tano imekatwa na Lady Gaga
na jaji wa zamani wa American pop Idol
Jeniffer Lopez, wakali hawa wamefungana pia na wameingiza mpunga kiasi cha $52
million kwa kipindi cha mwaka mmoja. Gaga album yake iliyoambatana na tour ya
Born This Way imemsaidia kufika hapo.
Wakati majina yanaendelea kushuka, list
ilifungwa na supper modal Gisele Bundchen ($45 million) Katy Perry ($45
million) na Judge Judy wa TV show ($45 million).
Mfuasi wa Rick Ross asimulia ile fujo kati yake na wafuasi wa 50 Cent,ni kama movie, asema ingefanyika kwao Miami ‘asingesimama mtu’.
Gunplay ambae ni Member wa Mayback Music Group (MMG) ya Rick
Ross the Big boss amekiri kuwa kulitokea fujo kati yake na wafuasi wa 50 Cent
siku ile ya kutape tukio la BET Hip Hop award kule Atlanta.
Gunplay alifunguka na kutatua utata uliokuwa umejitokeza pale
ambapo tarifa za mashuhuda wa tukio hilo lililotokea katika eneo la parking ya
ukumbi ambao tukio la kutape BET Hip Hop awards lilikuwa linafanyike,
walitofautiana katika maelezo waliyoyatoa, wengine walisema baada ya
purukushani hizo walishuhudia Gunplay akipigwa pingu na polisi wa Atlanta, na
wengine wakisema sio kweli coz jamaa hakukamatwa, lakini pia hata taarifa ya
msemaji wa kitengo cha polisi alisema hakuna aliyekamatwa na hakuna aliyepata
serious injuries.
Sasa Gunplay mwenyewe alitoa maelezo vizuri tu kuhusu
kilichotokea maelezo ambayo yanatofautiana kidogo na taarifa za police za awali
kuwa hakukamatwa, lakini mwenyewe anasema alifungwa pingu kabisa.
Gunplay alipiga story na Power 105.1 na akaelezea kile
kilichotokea kwa kuwa yeye ndo mhusika mwenyewe.
“Awali ya yote,
sitataja jina la huyu jamaa kwa sababu sitaki kuharibu jina la mtu
ambalo tayari limesharibika, nitamtaja kwa jina la donkey kwa sababu ni punda wa siku hii. Huyu punda anatembea na
punda wengine nane, nilikuwa najiandaa kwenda kuchukua usafiri wangu, ila
Police walinambia siwezi kuondoka, nilipoangalia mbele nikaona yule punda yuko
na punda wengine nane na hapo ilikuwa ni mimi kuruka barrier nisepe ama
nisimame tu nipandishe mshipi nikomae nao…mmoja alikuwa anatembea kunifata halafu
akampa ishara flani hivi moja kati ya donkey aliokuwa nao, na mmoja
alilianzisha kwa hiyo tukapambana., halafu yule mlinzi aliyenizuia nisiondoke
akaja akanambia ‘toka hapa’….nilikuwa mwenyewe kama nilivyozoea kuwa peke
yangu.” Alifunguka Gunplay.
Lakini Gunplay aliahidi kuwa kama hii fujo ingetokea maeneo
ya Miami ambapo ndipo makao makuu ya MMG ya Rossey na hometown yao basi
ingekuwa noma zaidi.
‘I ended up in handcuffs’ alisema Gunplay na kuongeza kuwa
“If that would have been Miami, everybody would have been laid out” aliendelea
kusema Gunplay na akaongezea kua, lakini kuonesha alivyokabiliana na hawa jamaa
wa G-Unit alisema kwa sauti ya juu kuwa hakuna wa kuigusa MMG, na hakuna wa
kumgusa yeye coz hata usoni hana jeraha lolote, na kuonesha jinsi alivyowakabili
anasema aliwarukia hao jamaa kama simba, na kuonesha kuwa hajutii kwa kile
kilichotokea na kuondoa matumani ya mtu anaedhani watayamaliza kama 50 Cent na
Fat Joe, Gunplay alisema ”I don’t shake hands like the other folks.”
Siku ya kurekodi BET Hip Hop awards 2012 huko Atlanta
inaonekana ilikuwa na matukio ya kutoelewana ambapo pia Young Jeezy na Rick
Rossey walizinguana sana hadi kusukumana wakiwa back stage, japo taarifa za
waandaji zinakanusha kuwepo kwa fujo katika tukio la kurekodi BET Hip Hop
awards 2012.
“Usher alikiri kutembea na msindikizaji wa harusi ‘blidesmaid’ kabla ya harusi yao”- Ex- wife wa Usher amesisitiza, alikuwa bestfriend wa mkewe.
Mke wa zamani wa Usher Raymond, Tameka Foster ,amefunguka exclusively kuhusu ndoa yao iliyokuwa na misukosuko hata baada ya kuachana mwaka 2008.
Tameka Foster amejibu kile ambacho mwimbaji na mshindi wa
tuzo za Grammy Usher Raymond alikisema katika interview na Oprah Winfrey, kuwa
alikuwa mwaminifu katika ndoa yao japokuwa sio 100% kwa kuwa kama alicheat
alicheat kwa maneno tu na wala sio kwa vitendo kama ambavyo mkewe huyo wa
zamani amekuwa akisema.
Katika interview aliyoifanya na kipindi cha television cha
ET exclusively Tameka alisema Usher Raymond mwenyewe alikiri kwake kuwa alikuwa
na uhusiano wa kimapenzi na mmoja kati ya blidesmaid kabla ya ndoa yao. Tameka
alionekana kuongea kwa hisia sana na kwa kusisitiza kuwa alijisikia vibaya
baada ya kuambiwa huo ukweli na Usher Raymond.
Mtangazaji alipomuuliza kile alichokisema Usher kwenye show
ya Oprah kama ni kweli au vipi, hapo Tameka
alicheka kidogo kisha akafunguka “yeah He admitted to sleeping with one
of the two, it was a very disappointing revelation. I had suspected it for
sometimes.” Duh, Kwa hiyo kumbe sio tu
kwa maneno kama alivyosema Usher na mkewe alikua anashtukia.
Kilichomuuma zaidi Tameka ni kwamba huyo msichana alikuwa
her best friend na hata wakati Tameka
alipokuwa na ujauzito alikuwa anamsindikiza hospital.
Lakini mbali na kukasirishwa na
kile alichokifanya huyu best friend wake na mmewe huyo enzi hizo, Tameka
amesema alichukia sana lakini pia kuna huruma ilimuingia na anachoamini ni
kwamba best friend wake alijikuta katika mtego baada ya kuwa karibu sana na
Usher Raymond. “I hate to say it but am somewhat empathize with her, she fell
into somewhat of trap.” Hapa najua kibongobongo sio kawaida kwa mtu kusalitiwa
hivi na best friend wako na bado usimseme vibaya na eti useme na yeye alitegwa
tu, hapa Tameka amekuwa na moyo wa kipekee, ukilinganisha na alivyoelezea
uhusiano wake na huyo msichana kuwa alikuwa kama mmoja kati ya wanafamilia yao.
Usher Raymond katika interview
aliyofanya na Oprah alisema alikuwa anacheat na huyo msichana lakini ni kwa
maneno tu kwa sababu anaamini hata maneno nayo ni usaliti, lakini hakuwahi
kufanya kwa vitendo kama Tameka alivyokuwa anamtuhumu mara kwa mara, na kuwa ni
kweli alikuwa na urafiki wa karibu sana na huyo msichana ambae alikuwa moja
kati ya bridesmaid katika ndoa yao. “Towards the end of our marriage, I found
my self lost and I just wanted out. I was faithful at heart, but not faithful
all the way. Even having conversation with another woman about matters of your
relationship is not being faithful,” alisema Usher katika interview aliyofanya
na Oprah.
Usher na mkewe wamekuwa katika
mzozo mkali wa ndoa hadi wakaachana, lakini the bitter battle ilikuwa juu ya
watoto wao, nani achukue watoto ambapo Usher alishinda, lakini Foster hivi
karibuni amefungua kesi mahakamani akaidai kuwa Usher amekuwa busy na safari na
kazi zake hadi kufikia hatua ya kuwasahau watoto wake, tuhuma ambazo zilipingwa
na mwanasheria wa Usher na kusema kuwa ni Foster ndiye amekuwa hana malezi
mazuri kwa watoto wao.
Lady Jaydee aonyesha mfano mzuri wa kujibu maswali ya fans wake, akaribisha wanaoomba undugu wa hiari na yeye.
Kama alivyoahidi yafuatayo ndio maswali na majibu yake kutoka kwa Lady Jaydee hivyo kama ulimuuliza swali lolote soma hapa chini utakutana na majibu. Hivi ndivyo alivyoandika kupitia blog yake.
"Kama nilivyoahidi kujibu maswali ya walio andika facebook
inbox. Ambayo mengi yao yana fanana, ila kwa yale ambayo yatakuwa hayajajibiwa
ni kutokana na kuwa sikupata majibu yake. Au sina majibu yake kabisa.
Jibu: Ningependa kufanya nyimbo nyingi kwa kushirikiana na
wasanii tofauti, lakini kutokana na ukweli halisi ni kwamba Duniani popote.
Haiwezekani kwa msanii yoyote kufanya Collabo na kila msanii anaeomba kufanya
Hii ni kutokana na kwamba hata wasikilizaji watachoka
kusikia kila siku sauti ya mtu huyo huyo mmoja
kwenye kila wimbo. Pia wakati mwingine inahitajika kuupa muda katikati
ya Collabo na Collabo
Na ni vema kuwa niwe nimeshawahi hata kumsikia mtu ambae
anaomba nifanye nae wimbo.
Mengi mengine yanakuwa nje ya uwezo wangu.
Jibu: Vigezo vya kuwa member ni kwa wale ambao tumekuwa
tukishirikiana nao kwa mambo mbali mbali katika mitandao, tukazoeana baadae
tukakutana uso kwa uso na kujenga undungu.
Kwasasa tunaiboresha Familia iliopo, watu wazoeane na
kufahamiana kwa ukaribu kabla ya kuongeza members wengine wapya.
Nilifikiria kuunda kundi la pili, litakaloitwa LA FAMILLE 2
Ili lile la kwanza libakie kuwa vile vile, kwakuwa
wamekwisha zoeana sana
Na la pili waunde mazoea pia uwe ni umoja mwingine.
Jibu: Mtu yoyote ambae anapenda kuwa ndugu yangu kwa hiari
yake anakaribishwa. Tatizo linakuja pale anapotaka tuwe tuna chat muda wote
Ku chat haitawezekana kutokana na muda kuwa hautoshi.
Ila kunipenda na kuniandikia ni vizuri, nikipata muda
nitakuwa najibu, Mkitaka kunitembelea, karibuni Nyumbani Lounge....Sina
maneno....Karibuni sana
Jibu: Kuhusiana na wanaohitaji nafasi za kazi
Mnaweza kuandika e-mail:
Huko mtapata majibu kutoka kwa wahusika.
Jibu: Kwa wale wanaoniomba misaada ya pesa, za ada, chakula
na mahitaji mengine.
Ukweli ni kwamba uwezo wangu sio mkubwa sana wa kuweza
kumsaidia kila mtu. Japo ningependa kusaidia, na huwa nasaidia pale ninapoweza.
Bahati mbaya maombi yamekuwa mengi kuliko uwezo wangu.
Misaada ya kimuziki naweza kutoa ushauri, ila sina uwezo wa
kumlipia Studio kila msanii mchanga anaeniomba.
Ila mnaweza kwenda kwa wenye Studio zao wakawasaidia
kuwarekodi bure, endapo watavutiwa na kazi zenu ila hiyo itakuwa ni kazi kwenu
kuwashawishi kuwa mna vipaji na mnastahili kusaidiwa bure bila malipo yoyote
Jibu: Dar es salaam zinapatikana SHEAR ILLUSIONS - Mlimani City na
Au kwa
walioko mbali piga simu +255 767 884 007/
+255 784 884
Jibu: Itatoka baada ya wiki moja
Jibu: Kwa sasa kuna project iko njiani na itaanza kuonekana
mnamo mwezi wa October katikati
Nitawafahamisha pindi kila kitu kitakapokuwa tayari
Jibu: Wasiliana na Gardner G Habash
+255 767 884
007/ +255 784 884 007
Au fika
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mlivyotarajia. Nasikitika kwa ubinaadamu wangu pengine kuna maswali sikuweza
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Kwa mazungumzo ya hapa na pale, na news zozote kunihusu.
Unaweza ku like page yangu
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maswala ya kimuziki tu lakini sio bookings, wala mambo binafsi.
With Love
MAKALA: Sababu za urafiki wa Obama & Jay-Z, Obama alitumia Mistari ya Jay-Z kujibu Mashambulizi ya Hillary Clinton ‘2008’ . Fatililia sababu na historia ya urafiki wao.
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Rais Obama akiwa na Jay z na Beyonce |
Ni raisi wa
Kwanza Marekani kum-embrace hip hop star wazi wazi, “WHY??!”
‘They have things in
kwa kawaida Rais wa nchi ni mtu ambae
hafikiki kirahisi, lakini pia sio rahisi kwa raisi wa nchi hata kama ni ndogo
kiasi gani kumpigia simu direct mtu wa kawaida na kumkaribisha ikulu mara kwa
mara, najua wapo maraisi ambao wamekuwa wakitumia wanamuziki au mashairi yao,
au hata kujaribu kurap kama alivyofanya Yoel Kaguta Museven “do you want
another rap”, Lakini it’s not that easy kwa rais wa nchi kubwa kama Marekani
kuhudhuria mara kwa mara matamasha ya Hip Hop na kumkaribisha white house
msanii wa Hip hop.
Wapo maraisi waliopita wa Marekani waliowahi ‘kuwatumia’
wanamuziki kama Elvis to Frank Sinatra, Willie Nelson, Michael Jackson and Bono
kuuteka umma lakini pia sio kwa kiwango
hicho na sio Hip Hop stars.
Urafiki kati ya the hip hop icon Jay Z na
the first black president of the U.S.A Barack Obama uko wazi sana na moja kati
ya sababu ni historia ya maisha yao, yaani background yao. Hii ni moja kati ya
sababu zinazoweza kupelekea watu kuwa marafiki.
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Michelle Obama & Beyonce |
na Jay-Z wana background zinazoendana sana, wote wamekulia katika
maisha ya chini na kupanda kwa nguvu na maarifa binafsi hadi kufikia
katika ngazi za juu katika career zao, wameoa wanawake ambao pia ni
strong and successful, na ambao wa wanainspiration kwa vijana wengi hasa
wasichana, wasichana wengi sasa hivi wanazungumzia mafanikio kama ya
Beyonce lakini pia kuwa juu siku moja na kuwa humble kama Michelle
Lakini zaidi ya hiyo background, huu
urafiki na kuelewana sana kati ya Obama na Jay-Z umepelekea wawili hao kupeana
support sana katika mambo wanayofanya, hasa katika career zao ili kupata ile
win-win situation ambayo huwa ikikosekana siku zote urafiki huyumba au hata
unaweza kufa kabisa. Na kwa kuwa sasa hivi ni kipindi cha campaign za uraisi wa
U.S.A Jay – Z inabidi amsapport sana rafiki yake ili aendelee kuwa White House
kwa awamu nyingine.
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President Obama & Jay Z |
Mfano mzuri ni wiki hii ambapo Jay- Z na
Beyonce walifanya fund raising katika club ya Jay-Z 40/40
ili kuongezea mfuko wa Obama wa campain, ambapo walipata zaidi ya $4
Sasa tuangalie matukio yanayowahusisha hawa
watu wawili katika jamii
April17, 2008: Obama aliyekuwa mgombea
katika kuwania uwakilishi wa chama chake katika uchaguzi wa Uraisi wa Marekani,
aliyatumia maneno yaliyo kwenye wimbo wa
Jay-Z “Dirt Off Your Shoulder” alipokuwa anajibu mashambulizi
yaliyoelekezwa kwake na mpinzani wake Hillary Clinton. Msemaji wa Obama, Tommy
Vietor alipoulizwa kama kweli Obama alikuwa anamaanisha kutumia maneno ya
Jay-Z, alijibu ‘yes’ na akaongezea kuwa “Obama has some Jay-Z in his iPod.”
November 2008: Jay-Z alikuwa Virginia
katika campaign ya kuwahamasisha vijana wapige kura, na akasema hawezi
kuwaambia nani wampigie kura,ila anachoweza kuwaambia ni kupiga kura ifikapo
tarehe 4 November. Lakini hapo akaongezea maneno ambayo moja kwa moja yanampa
support Obama "Rosa Parks sat so that Martin Luther King could walk.
Martin Luther King walked so that Obama could run. Obama's running so that we
all can fly ... I can't wait until November 5 and I'm going to say: 'Hello,
Brother President'."
January 2009: Obama alimtambulisha Jay-Z
katika campaign’s official staff party ambapo Jay-Z aliperform.
February 2010: Jay-Z alisema ameshaalikwa
mara nyingi sana White House na siku moja alipopiga simu pale White House
alisikia ‘The Blueprint’ kwenye background, kwa hiyo album ya Jigga ilikuwa
inasikilizwa White House.
March 2010: Jigga na mkewe Beyonce walifika
White House kuitembelea familia ya Barack Obama na wakakaa katika chumba cha
April 2012: Sasa hapa sio tu wanaume
walikuwa marafiki, bali wake zao pia walipiga hatua katika hili, na Beyonce
akamwandikia barua First Lady wa U.S.A Michelle, iliyokuwa inasomeka “the
ULTIMATE example of a truly strong African-American woman ... not matter the
pressure, and the stress of being under the microscope — she's humble, love and
sincere. Michelle, thank you so much for every single thing that u do for us —
I am proud to have my daughter grow up in a world where she has people like you
to look up to." Na mwezi huo huo Obama aliulizwa na Atlantic kati ya Jay-Z
na Kanye West anamchagua nani, akatabasamu na akasema ‘JAY-Z.’
May 2012: Jay-Z aliiambia CNN kuwa Obama ni
bora kuliko Mitt Rommney, na akamsifu sana Obama kwa kuruhusu ndoa za jinsia
moja akasema “What people do in their own homes is their business and you can
choose to love whoever you love. That's their business”.
September 1, 2012: katika tamasha la Jay-Z
lilijulikana kama ‘Jay-Z made in America’ iliyokusany maelfu ya watu, ilitokea
message kutoka kwa Obama kwenye screen kubwa na kuwafanya watu wapige bonge la
shangwe, na kwenye hiyo recorded tape Obama alitoa kama public announcement
yenye message hii . "To me, the idea of America is that no matter who you
are, what you look like or where you come from, you can make it if you try.
Jay-Z did it,” akamalizia kwa kusema “He didn't come from power or privilege. He
got ahead because he worked hard, learned from his mistakes and just plain
refused to quit. That's what 'made in America' means."
Na september 18,2012: katika kipindi kimoja
kinachoitwa Tuesday Night, Obama alitaniwa na host kuwa ni kama wanavitu vingi
in common na Jay-Z sasa, naye akaongezea kuwa ni kweli wote wana watoto wa
kike, na wake zao ni maarufu hata kuliko wao wenyewe na akamalizia sentence
yake “so we’ve got little bond there, it’s hard, but it’s okay.
Mwisho Obama aliwashukuru stars wote kwa
ujumla, lakini kakamtaja Beyonce kwa
kuwa mfano mzuri kwa wasichana, na alimaliza kwa kusema “and has so much
Hiyo ndiyo historia ya urafiki wa Jay-Z
katika matukio ya wazi yaliyowahusisha wao na familia zao pia..............................................................................................................................
Kanye alikuwa akiangalia ‘sex tape’ ya Kim K na Ray J alipokuwa na mademu wengine
Mtandao wa TMZ umetonya kuwa kumbe Kanye West alikuwa
akiiangalia kanda ya ngono ya mpenzi wake wa sasa Kim Kardashian wakati akila uroda na mademu
Kim Kardashian alifanya tape hiyo na mpenzi wake wa zamani Ray
Vyanzo mbalimbali vilivyo karibu na Kanye, vimesema Kanye
alikuwa akiitumia kanda hiyo ya mikasi ya Kim kumpa mzuka zaidi na kweli
ilikuwa ikifanya kazi.
Inasemakana Kanye anaipenda sana sex tape hiyo na hata
kuiongelea kwenye wimbo wake utakaokuwepo kwenye albam yake ijayo.
Wiz Khalifa And Amber Rose Confirm Pregnancy At VMAs
'You going to have to teach him how to rap and be a real good MC,' Wiz told Sway on the red carpet at 2012 MTV Video Music Awards.
the famed hip-hop duo took to the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards to announce that they are expecting their very first child come. In contrast to their comfy but casual white attire at last year's ceremony, Khalifa and Rose were sleek and sexy in black as they shared the big news with Sway.
"Well, Sway, you know you my brother man, so we had to do it with you first and we had to do it with the whole world, and just let everybody know that we're expecting a beautiful young baby," Khalifa said, before screaming, "We're having a baby!"
Mashairi ya Kanye West kwenye Knock You Down yalimhusu Kim Kardashian
Kanye West hajaanza kumpenda Kim Kardashian juzi. Aliuweka
wazi upendo wake kwa mrembo huyo tangu mwaka 2009 wakati (Kim) alipokuwa mpenzi wa Reggie
Bush lakini hakuna aliyeweza kugundua.
Vyanzo vilivyo karibu na Yeezy vimeuambia mtandao waTMZ kuwa
rapper huyo aliandika mashairi kuelezea upendo wake kwenye wimbo
alioshirikishwa na Keri Hilson, "Knock You Down."
Mashairi yaliyomlenga Kim yalisema, "You was always the
cheerleader of my dreams / To seem to only date the head of football teams /
And I was the class clown that always kept you laughing / We were never meant
to be, baby we just happened."
Tyga aongoza, atayarisha na kuigiza filamu ya ngono ‘Rack City XXX’
Rapper wa Young Money, Tyga ameamua kuingia kwenye biashara ya movie
za ngono kwa kuanzisha website yake mambo hayo na filamu ya porno iitwayo Rack
City XXX.
Tyga ameiongoza na kuitayarisha filamu hiyo huku naye akiigiza.
Kwa wengi wanaofahamu ngoma za Tyga kama ile iitwayo "Make
it Nasty,"si jambo la kushangaza kwa rapper huyo aliyejaa tattoo mwili
mzima kuja na wazo hilo.
Akiongea na mtandao wa AVN, Tyga alisema “I just felt like
now was a time that I wanted to be involved in the sexual part of it--how far
can I actually go without actually doing porn?" Tyga wondered. "I
think every guy thinks about that. Doing this project it was important for me
to put something out with my vision. For young dudes like myself that are into
it and to do it my own way without actually exposing myself. This movie really
takes 'Rack City,' the song that I made, into the world of triple-X film. It's
a real movie that people will enjoy, and I'm proud of it."
Picha mpya zinazoonesha vizuri sura ya mtoto wa Jay-Z
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Akikua atafanana mno na baba yake |
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Baba na mwana wakifurahia muda pamoja |
D’Banj aalikwa na Ludacris kwenye Luda Day
Weekend iliyopita D'Banj alikuwa miongoni mwa wasanii
wakubwa walioalikwa kama wageni wa heshima kwenye sherehe ya kila mwaka ya
Ludacris iitwayo Luda Day Weekend.
Tamasha hilo la hisani linaloandaliwa na Ludacris Foundation lilihusisha mechi ya kikapu ya mastaa, party na "Welcome to Atlanta
Wakati wa mechi ya kikapu, rais wa halmashauri ya jiji la Atlanta
aliitangaza September 2 kama "Luda
Day" jijini Atlanta.
Rihanna aja na mtindo mpya wa nywele!
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Muonekano mpya wa Rihanna alipokuwa anawasili kwenye
rehersal za VMA
Diva: Sitaki kabisa urafiki na watoto wa kike
Loveness aka Diva wa Clouds FM juzi aliandika barua yake ya mwezi kwenye website yake na kudai kuwa hanaga urafiki na wasichana wenzie.
Isome hapa ujue kwanini:
Nimeona niandike hii kwanza labda itasaidia sana mambo
ya wasichana kutaka sana urafiki na mimi.
Guys me sipendi urafiki kabisa na watoto wa kike , had a
friend once ilini cost sana nilipotofautiana naye na because nilimuamini sana
niliumia , that was high school , then from there on sitaki sana marafiki
kusema za ukweli....sio mtu wa marafiki wala mtu wa mazoea ya ovyoovyo na wala
siringi but sipendi tu najua matatizo yake hasa kwa watoto wa kike!!
always miss my high school friends, they were dope
yaani compared na ambao nakutana nao hivi karibuni , na kuhusu kuchagua
marafiki nachagua sana wa kiume, this is not a joke but napatana sana na
Soudy Brown gossipcpotz ,licha ya kunishauri alot about life but ni
mpole , mstaarabu
sana na ana imani ya dini kama mimi , so tunapatana sana na nadiriki
thats my best friend , he actually knows good and bad , knows if am not
ok and
when am ok!! na apart from kuwa my manager but he is good hearted , my
Tunapatana sana that's why hata tulipoenda Tanga he was
the only person niliempeleka home akamsalimie my aunt and it was awesome and
good sana. he such a friend like i never had.
Girls got issues
sana ambazo to me siwezi kabisa kukaa na hizo issues zao ,wengi wanapenda umbea
,kuongea vitu visivyowahusu, kusingizia mambo ya ajabu coz me yaani nina attitude basi i have to stay away kabisa sehemu penye wasichana hasa ambao wana
tabia za kike ,ambao masaa24 wanazungumzia wanaume na jinsi ya kuwachuna ,
wanaokaa kusema wenzao coz ikno na mimi nikitoka watanisema asa mi nikae nao
wanini si bora nikae na simu yangu busy na twitter.
Nahisi mind za wanaume ziko active compared na wasichana
wengi wa mjini
kiukweli sihitaji marafiki................nahitaji
marafiki wachache tena wa kiume wataoniambia which is good , which is bad. Am proud kujuana na Soudy Brown,B12,Baba Johny,Dommy,Faraja,Venture, Peter Mo and the rest
feel safe around hawa my brothers.
God is good ..................kuwa my fan , be that and
pliz endelea kuwa hivyo na will make u happy in my show but nje ya hapo , my
life is different , very strictly and ku avoid that am always at home after
work and sina rafiki celebrity wa kike sina kabisa ukweli ndo huo.
And am totally avoiding girls sio wote lakini wenye
drama wachache wa kike ninaojuana nao wa kike wananitosha LOL
Lovely Diva.
Prezzo na Goldie wawaigiza Jay-Z na Beyonce kwenye Twitter
Drama ya Prezzo na
Goldie imechukua sura mpya kwenye Twitter baada ya wapenzi hao wa BBA
kujibizana kwa mistari ya Jay-Z na Beyonce.
Prezzo aliandika ‘Cuz that rock on ur fingeer’s like a
tumour u cant fit your hand in ur new purse/its humorous to me they watching n
we just yatchin’ yakiwa ni mashairi ya Jay-Z kwenye ngoma ya Beyonce iitwayo Upgrade
Doreen Kabareebe: Model aliyepiga picha ya aibu na Chameleone
Hivi karibuni tuliweka picha ya aibu inayomwonesha mrembo mmoja akiwa
na Jose Chameleone wa Uganda kwenye pozi la zero distance.
Picha hiyo inamwonesha msichana huyo akiwa hajavaa nguo ya
ndani huku nguo ya juu aliyokuwa amevaa kuishia chini ya kiono na hivyo makalio
yake kuonekana nje.
Picha hiyo imezua mjadala mkubwa nchini humo kwa jinsi dada huyo
alivyotia aibu.
Well, msichana huyo ni supastaa nchini Uganda. Ni model
mwenye miaka 22 aitwaye Doreen Kabareebe.
Aliwahi kushiriki shindano la Miss Uganda 2010, Miss
Inter-Universities na Miss Central University ambako alishinda taji kutoka Nkumba
Ni mwanafunzi wa Public Administration katika chuo kikuu cha
Nkumba mjini Entebbe.
Katherine Jenkins denies affair with David Beckham
Songbird's angry tweets over rumours
Angry ... opera star Katherine Jenkins says she has only met David Beckham twice
OPERA superstar Katherine Jenkins last night launched into a bizarre online outburst — to DENY having sex with Becks.
The singer, 32, raged on Twitter: “I’ve read some horrible rumours on here & want u 2 know I absolutely deny I’ve had an affair with David Beckham.”But thousands of fans had NO IDEA of the false Goldenballs gossip.
The Welsh diva — who split from TV presenter fiancé Gethin Jones in December — posted FIVE frantic tweets on her official Twitter page, which has 228,000 followers.
She hit out at untrue stories — and said she’d only met the married soccer ace twice, had never been alone with him or arranged to meet him.
Katherine wrote: “Dear Twitter friends, I’ve read some horrible rumours on here & want u 2 know I absolutely deny I’ve had an affair with David Beckham.
“The rumours are very hurtful, untrue & my lawyers tell me actionable.
“I’ve only met David twice: once at the Military Awards in 2010 & on a night out in the West End in Feb 2012.
“We were out in a group of friends & it was just a normal fun evening out.
“Just so we are clear I have never been on my own with him and never arranged to meet up.”
But many of her puzzled fans asked why she decided to stoke up a storm of publicity instead of just ignoring it. One said: “Um, I wasn’t aware there were any rumours. Neither was anyone else? Strange move by Katherine Jenkins.”
Another said: “Katherine, completely unprompted, has denied she slept with David Beckham. Rumours from Twitter only. Very odd.”
BBC radio presenter Nicky Campbell said: “I see @kathjenkins has gone on Twitter and denied having an affair with David Beckham.
“Anyone you would like to deny having an affair with?”
Thousands of others tweeted that they hadn’t slept with Becks either.
Katherine first met LA Galaxy and England star Becks, 37, at The Sun Military Awards in December, 2010 — a star-studded bash at London’s Imperial War Museum.
And in February this year she was spotted out partying with the star — famously dubbed Goldenballs by wife Victoria — and his pal Prince Harry at a London nightspot.
Becks was in the UK without Posh and their four kids to launch his new underwear range with H&M.
He was seen laughing and joking with Katherine, but left with best pal David Gardner at 3am. Katherine was snapped leaving separately.
A spokesman for Beckham said last night: “We have to deal with this type of nonsense all the time on Twitter. One minute David is dead, then you have to deal with more scurrilous rumours. There’s not one jot of truth to any of it.”
A few untrue rumours about Katherine and Becks first emerged when she moved to Los Angeles to appear on Dancing With The Stars earlier this year.
There were even extraordinary false claims that a superinjunction had been applied for to prevent the story of an alleged affair ever being made public.
Yesterday pictures of a fake US magazine cover started doing the rounds which ludicrously claimed Becks had left his wife of 13 years.
Blonde mezzo-soprano Katherine is currently in the studio working on a new album.
Shortly after her tweets, pop star Lily Allen (now known as Lily Cooper) poked fun at them by denying she was sleeping with Beyonce’s husband Jay-Z.
Lily tweeted: “I’m really upset at the hurtful rumours going round about me having an affair with Jay Z. My lawyers tell me they are actionable.
“I’ve met him twice, once at the Spotted Pig in New York and once at the Wireless Festival. We have never been alone together etc etc.”
Wema, alifafanua kuwa anatamani kuitwa mama kwani mbali na hilo pia umri wake unazidi kusogea. Alidai kuwa ndani ya mwaka 2013 anatarajia akamilishe ishu hiyo kwani wapo baadhi ya rafiki zake ambao wana watoto na anajisikia aibu pale anapokutana nao wakiwa na watoto wao.
“Sina tatizo juu ya hilo, sasa ninaweka wazi kuwa nahitaji kuwa na mtoto lakini na katika kukamilisha malengo nataka kumpatia mtoto Diamond ingawa tulishawahi kuwa matatizo ya siku za nyuma baadhi ya watu wakadai kuwa nimetoa mimba,”. alisema Wema
Alipoulizwa Wema kuwa endapo akiwa na mtoto vipi suala zima la kula bata na kujiachia, alijibu kwa mkato kuwa hilo litaendelea lakini mwanaye atamlea kama alivyolelewa yeye na mama yake.
Gadner aja na Maskani Times FM, mtaani wanasema atalipwa milioni 5 kwa mwezi
Aliyekuwa mtangazaji wa Clouds FM katika kipindi cha
Jahazi, Garder G Habash aka Captein anatarajia kuanza kutangaza tena kupitia kituo cha radio cha Times FM 100.5 cha Dar es Salaam.
Kipindi chake kiitwacho Maskani kitakuwa kikiruka kuanzia
Jumatatu hadi Ijumaa kuanzia saa 10
jioni hadi saa 1 usiku.
Kuna tetesi za mtaani ambazo hazijathibitishwa rasmi
zinazosema kuwa mtangazaji huyo atakuwa akilipwa shilingi milioni 5 kwa mwezi.
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Gadner akiongea machache baada ya kutambulishwa Times FM |
Kama tetesi hizo zitakuwa na ukweli, Gadner atakuwa
mtangazaji wa radio anayelipwa pesa nyingi zaidi nchini.
Kipindi chake kinatarajiwa kuwa na ushindani mkubwa na
kipindi chake cha zamani, Jahazi cha
Clouds FM ambacho kwa sasa huendeshwa na Arnord Kayanda, Wasiwasi Mwabulambo na
Ephraim Kibonde.
Hata hivyo Clouds FM watakuwa na advantage katika mikoa
mingine ambayo Times FM haisikiki.
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Picha ya pamoja ya baadhi ya watangazaji wa Times FM.
Kutoka kushoto ni: Gadner, Schola, Natasha, Ndimbo, Dida na Joet.
P.Diddy hulala kitanda kimoja na wanae!
Oprah Winfrey ndio nyota anayelipwa hela nyingi zaidi duniani
Malkia wa Talk Shows, Oprah Winfrey ametajwa kwenye jarida la
Forbes kwa mwaka wa nne mfululizo kama staa anayelipwa pesa nyingi zaidi
List nzima ya nyota 10 wanaolipwa zaidi kwa mujibu wa Forbes
ni hii:
Forbes Top 10 Highest Paid Celebrities 2012
1. Oprah Winfrey, $165 million
2. Michael Bay, $160 million
3. Steven Spielberg, $130 million
4. Jerry Bruckheimer, $115 million
5. Dr Dre, $110 million
6. Tyler Perry, $105 million
7. Howard Stern, $95 million
8. James Patterson, $94 million
9. George Lucas, $90 million
Prince Harry apewa ofa kuigiza kwenye filamu ya ngono
Prince Hary wa Uingereza amepewa ofa ya dola milioni 10 ili
aigize kwenye filamu ya wakubwa iliyopewa jina la 'The Trouble With Harry'
iliyotokana na picha zake za uchi zilivuja mtandaoni wiki iliyopita jijini Las Vegas , Marekani weekend iliyopita, (17.08.12).
Mwanzilishi wa kampuni ya Vivid Entertainment, Steve Hirsch ameiandikiabarua
ikulu ya kifalme ya Uingereza mjini London kuelezea ofa hiyo itakayomwonesha
Harry akipigana mikasi yake.
Lady Gaga, Beyonce Rank On Forbes Influential Women List
Mother Monster is the highest ranking pop star on the list at #14.
While the top 10 women on the Forbes World's 100 Most Powerful Women list are world leaders and business women (including First Lady Michelle Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton), somewhere in the top 15 is Lady Gaga, who ranks as the highest pop star on the list.
She and the other celebrities
scattered on it all made the cut, thanks to their influence not only as
pop icons but as forces of change.
While Oprah Winfrey sits higher than Gaga at #11, the Mother Monster earned her #14 spot through her work with her own Born This Way Foundation as well as serving as the face of a number of other causes including the MAC AIDS Foundation.
Next up is Beyoncé who lands at #32. She just partnered with the U.N. to serve as the soundtrack for World Humanitarian Day
earlier this month, and much like Gaga, in addition to her undeniable
influence over music and fashion, she has also teamed up with a number
of other good causes, including working with the Obama Administration on the "Get Moving" campaign.Jennifer Lopez isn't far behind at #38, thanks to her work with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America as well as her own fund, Lopez Family Foundation, which helps women and children across the globe.
Other celebrities who landed on the list include Shakira (#40), Ellen DeGeneres (#48), Angelina Jolie (#66), Gisele Bundchen (# 83), "Modern Family" actress Sofia Vergara (#75) and "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling (#78).
Lil Wayne 'Just Laughed' At Chris Brown, Drake After Club Brawl
'I thank God I ain't going through it though, I've already been through too much,' Weezy tells MTV News.
Nicki Minaj recently described her relationship with Lil Wayne by painting the picture of a once-strict father figure who now takes a very casual approach to parenting. It seems like Weezy also extends that parenting style to Drake.
The Toronto rapper was allegedly involved in a nightclub brawl with Chris Brown and his entourage back in June, and while the lawsuits continue to pour in, Wayne admits that he simply laughed at the whole thing. During an appearance in Las Vegas to debut his Supra sneaker line this week, the New Orleans native told MTV News that the incident was humorous to him.

"Honestly, I laughed at them," he said, not able to contain his laughter, even in that moment. "I can't front, I just laughed at them... like, it's funny to me. I thank God I ain't going through it though, I've already been through too much."
In the past week alone Drake and Chris Brown have been hit with two lawsuits as a result of the bottle-throwing brawl that night. The club owners filed a suit against the two artists alleging that they "ordered security personnel, bodyguards, friends and entourage to join the fight, which erupted into a violent brawl on a massive scale." Just a few days later, a NYC-based male model added another suit, claiming that he suffered "severe personal injuries" including a severed tendon on his right hand, thanks to the flying chards of glass.
After bringing both Drake and Wayne to perform with her in New York last week, Nicki Minaj told MTV News that she missed being lectured by her YMCMB boss. "It's like having a strict parent and when you no longer have it [you] kinda want that," she said. "I told him, 'I miss when you would lecture me and tell me to keep on my grind and do this do and do that — where's the love?' "
Wayne, always ready with the right words, responded that both she and Drake had already proven themselves. "He's just sitting back watching, and seeing the fruits of his labor, and that's what he said."
The Toronto rapper was allegedly involved in a nightclub brawl with Chris Brown and his entourage back in June, and while the lawsuits continue to pour in, Wayne admits that he simply laughed at the whole thing. During an appearance in Las Vegas to debut his Supra sneaker line this week, the New Orleans native told MTV News that the incident was humorous to him.
Lil Wayne's Take On Drake and Chris Brown's Beef
In the past week alone Drake and Chris Brown have been hit with two lawsuits as a result of the bottle-throwing brawl that night. The club owners filed a suit against the two artists alleging that they "ordered security personnel, bodyguards, friends and entourage to join the fight, which erupted into a violent brawl on a massive scale." Just a few days later, a NYC-based male model added another suit, claiming that he suffered "severe personal injuries" including a severed tendon on his right hand, thanks to the flying chards of glass.
After bringing both Drake and Wayne to perform with her in New York last week, Nicki Minaj told MTV News that she missed being lectured by her YMCMB boss. "It's like having a strict parent and when you no longer have it [you] kinda want that," she said. "I told him, 'I miss when you would lecture me and tell me to keep on my grind and do this do and do that — where's the love?' "
Wayne, always ready with the right words, responded that both she and Drake had already proven themselves. "He's just sitting back watching, and seeing the fruits of his labor, and that's what he said."
Lil Wayne
Posted: 23rd August 2012 by MillardAyo in NewsKambini wanaingia tarehe 30 August 2012, movie wanaanza kucheza tarehe 3 septemba inaitwa Nasikia kuitwa ambapo watakaocheza ni mdogo wake Kanumba kwa upande wa baba aitwae Mjanaheri pamoja na baba mzazi ambapo itachezwa hukohuko Shinyanga.
Movie imetungwa na Mwalimu Emanuel Yahewa ambae ni ndio msimamizi wa kikundi cha Taisee art kilichopo chini ya kanisa la AICT Kambarage ambapo Marehemu ndipo alikua anaimbia kwaya, alijifunzia gitaa na uigizaji hapo hapo.
Mwanzilishi wa kikundi hicho chenye watu 39 ni Mjanaheri Kanumba ambae amesema movie itakua imekamilika ndani ya mwezi mmoja, kampuni inayoitengeneza ni RJ ya Ray Vicent Kigosi lakini director ni Magulu ambae alikua Director wa Kanumba kwa miaka saba lakini kampuni ya Kanumba haitohusika hata kidogo na utengenezaji wa movie hiyo, baba mzazi wa Marehemu Kanumba atashiriki kucheza pia kama kiongozi wa sungusungu.
Stori yake haihusiani sana na maisha ya Kanumba japo mwishoni mwa hiyo movie kuna baadhi ya vitu vyake vitahusishwa, zikiwemo nyimbo na sehemu kidogo ya maisha yake.
Mwezi mmoja baada ya kifo cha Kanumba nilipata nafasi ya kufanya interview na familia yake Shinyanga, wadogo zake wanne walinihakikishia kwamba wako tayari kuingia kwenye soko la movie Tanzania kwa sababu uwezo wanao na wanataka kuliendeleza jina la ukoo wao.
Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes' Divorce Finalized
New York judge signed off on a final judgment Monday, E! News reports.
Less than two months after they announced they were splitting up, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' divorce has been finalized.
The couple's divorce case was closed Monday after a New York judge signed off on the final judgment, according to E! News. Quoting "a source close to Cruise," E! reports that the actor is "very happy and relieved that he is moving forward ... his priority is being a good father and this settlement will make sure that continues."
The divorce comes 53 days from when Holmes originally filed for divorce and 42 days from when the couple reached a settlement agreement. While no details of that settlement were publically released, the former couple were reportedly "working together" in the "best interests" of their daughter, 6-year-old Suri.
Cruise and Holmes announced they were getting divorced in late June, ending their five-year marriage. The couple began a whirlwind courtship in 2005 that included an engagement atop the Eiffel Tower and a wedding at an Italian castle in November 2006.
In the week following their initial announcement, the couple (affectionately dubbed "TomKat") were constantly covered by the paparazzi, including an incident when Holmes was ambushed by a New York Daily News reporter while shopping at Whole Foods.
When asked how she was holding up following the split, Holmes told the reporter, "I'm fine, thank you."
The marriage was the third for Cruise — he was previously married to Mimi Rogers and Nicole Kidman — and the first for Holmes.

The couple's divorce case was closed Monday after a New York judge signed off on the final judgment, according to E! News. Quoting "a source close to Cruise," E! reports that the actor is "very happy and relieved that he is moving forward ... his priority is being a good father and this settlement will make sure that continues."
The divorce comes 53 days from when Holmes originally filed for divorce and 42 days from when the couple reached a settlement agreement. While no details of that settlement were publically released, the former couple were reportedly "working together" in the "best interests" of their daughter, 6-year-old Suri.
Cruise and Holmes announced they were getting divorced in late June, ending their five-year marriage. The couple began a whirlwind courtship in 2005 that included an engagement atop the Eiffel Tower and a wedding at an Italian castle in November 2006.
In the week following their initial announcement, the couple (affectionately dubbed "TomKat") were constantly covered by the paparazzi, including an incident when Holmes was ambushed by a New York Daily News reporter while shopping at Whole Foods.
When asked how she was holding up following the split, Holmes told the reporter, "I'm fine, thank you."
The marriage was the third for Cruise — he was previously married to Mimi Rogers and Nicole Kidman — and the first for Holmes.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in 2012
Photo: Getty Images
Kim Kardashian's on the rocks
Reality girl smoulders on boulders
Stone poses ... Kim Kardashian
STONY-faced Kim Kardashian rocks as she rests on a boulder in a flashy swimsuit.
The 31-year-old reality star upheld her attention-seeking reputation by posting the image on Twitter, writing: "Rock climbing lol."The photo-obsessed model uploaded another picture of herself sat wearing a cleavage-flashing jumper.
Pleased with the results, she wrote: "Rock hard."
Perhaps she's feeling like she's hit the rocks as a result of her messy private life.
Her ex-hubby Kris Humphries is claiming that their 72-day marriage was a fraud and the warring pair are battling their divorce out in court.
In happier news for Kim, her sister Kourtney believes babies are on the cards for her and boyfriend Kanye West.
She said: "Kim and Kanye both want kids, so I guess it's just a case of watch this space.
"Kim is totally ready for marriage and everything that goes with it. I really haven't seen her this happy since we were kids."
Lady Gaga draws the shorts straw in the fashion lottery
Skirting around style ... Gaga's latest look is not very flattering
LADY Gaga can't decide between shorts and a skirt as she lands in Vilnius, Lithuania - so she wears BOTH.
The You And I singer teamed the hybrid look - which we would call 'shirts' if that didn't confuse things - with knee socks and futuristic platform boots.She capped off the head-turning attire with a black top - minus bra - and Ray-ban shades.
Gaga, 26, performs in the European city tonight as part of her 110-date Born This Way Ball tour.
And the crowds who flocked to the capital's airport gave her a rapturous reception.
Lithuanian 'little monsters' dressed as their heroine and covered their face and hands in Gaga-loving messages.
The singer has cut a lonely figure as she performs her way across Europe - snapped in trademark wacky get-ups in Vienna and Bucharest in the last week alone.
No doubt her Skype account is going into meltdown as she keeps up with boyfriend, Taylor Kinney, back in New York.
A source said last week: “Taylor is so serious about his girlfriend that he’s gearing up to pop the question.
“The couple had a heart-to-heart about marriage after his brother got married in LA last weekend. They are more loved up than ever.”
And in a case of art imitating life, the hunky actor played groom to Gaga's bride in the singer's latest - that'll be FIFTH - video for song You And I.
Taylor was dressed in a white suit while Gaga was snapped in a white bridal gown and veil in the promo, released late last week.
No doubt he is waiting for his missus' huge tour to be over first before even thinking about going down on one knee.
Gaga has been on the road since April and she will play Scandinavia and Germany next before hitting London in September for two sell-out gigs at Twickenham.
The epic live run ends in Moscow on December 12.
So, er, not long now, mate.
Rihanna: ‘I still love Chris and always will’
RIHANNA has admitted she still loves abusive ex Chris Brown.
The You Da One star told Oprah Winfrey: “I still love him.”On an episode of Oprah’s Next Chapter, aired in the states last night, the legendary chat show asked the singer where her relationship with Chris stood, three years after he brutally attacked her.
Rihanna said: “We’re very, very close friends. We built a trust again and that’s it.
“We love each other and we probably always will.”
She insisted the pair had no plans to get back together but added: “I think he was the love of my life.”
Chris punched Rihanna in the face on the eve of the Grammy Awards in February 2009.
He later pleaded guilty to an assault charge and was sentenced to five years probation, community service and domestic violence counselling.
But she also said she “felt protective” towards her ex because he “needed help.”
“It happened. It happened to me. And it happened to me in front of the world.
“It was embarrassing, it was humiliating. It was hurtful, and you know, it’s not easy.”
She added: “It was a weird confusing space to be in because as angry as I was, as angry and hurt and betrayed, I just felt like he made that mistake because he needed help and who’s going to help him?
“So, I had to deal with that and that’s not easy for me to understand, interpret and it’s not easy to interpret on camera, not with the world watching.”
Kama haufahamu ni kwamba Jose Chameleone yuko kwenye top 7 ya wanamuziki wa Afrika Mashariki wenye pesa ndefu pamoja na magari ya kifahari ambapo mpaka sasa anakiri kwamba ana magari yote aliyowahi kuwa na ndoto ya kuyamiliki.
Dr Jose amesema “nina magari ambayo nilikua na ndoto ya kuwa nayo, hiyo Range Rover super charge nimeipenda kwa karibu mwaka mzima na nikawa nakusanya pesa kidogo kidogo mpaka nilipoweza kuinunua hivyo nasubiria mpya yake”
Jose Chamelone ambae utajiri wake unatokana pia na kumiliki nyumba za kupanga na kuuza, mashamba na kuuza simu za mkononi zenye jina lake, amesema magari yake yote ameyaandika jina lake huku nikimkariri akisema “nikiwa mdogo sikupata magari ya kuchezea ambayo huwa wanapewa watoto ndio maana nafanya hivi sasa hivi”
Kwenye line nyingine Mayanja anasisitiza kwamba kwa mwaka analipa kama milioni 5 za kitanzania kwa kwa ajili ya kuandika jina lake kwenye gari badala ya namba na ni kitu ambacho anakifurahia, ni sahihi kwake kutokana na ustaa wake, namba kama hizi unaweza kuziweka pia ukiwa Tanzania na utalipia milioni 5 kwa miaka mitatu.
Lady Gaga Has Orange Hair Now, And What Else Is New?
Saying Lady Gaga's hair is orange is kind of like saying the sky is blue. Nothing new here, people! And that's not to say that Lady Gaga always has orange hair, but there is always something new with that one, amirite? Also, I guess if we're not fazed by her pink fur coat moment in the middle of August, and/or color coordinating her look with her pooch, then The Lady having hair the color of sherbet shouldn't even make us flinch.
Gaga and her orange locks were spotted heading into the Hilton hotel in Bucharest. Mother Monster didn't look "Partynauseous," but rather chipper and happy as she flashed the signature symbol for her Little Monsters. And you know what? Given the fact that over the years her hair has looked this THIS and THIS and THIS, we actually think these orange locks look kinda normal. Vive Gaga L'Orange! (Watch, in two days that's a new L'Oreal hair color. Mark my words!)
Rihanna Admits Having A 'Very Close Friendship' With Chris Brown
Singer opened up to Oprah Winfrey about her current status with her ex.
When Rihanna sat down with Oprah Winfrey on Sunday night (August 19), the topic everyone wanted the singer to open up about was her much-discussed, tabloid-heavy relationship with her ex, Chris Brown, years after he assaulted her over Grammy weekend in 2009.
And, she candidly discussed the nature of her relationship then, and now, with the singer.
Rih and Brown began dating one another as up-and-coming teen stars and quickly emerged as one of the hottest young couples in music before that fateful night in February 2009.
Looking back on their time together, she said during "Oprah's Next Chapter," "I think he was the love of my life. He was my first love, and I see that he loved me the same way. We ran free, we ran wild. We were going at a really rapid pace that we forgot about ourselves as individuals. We needed something to completely shut that off. "
While the pair has been linked romantically in the years since they split in the wake of the incident, Rihanna shared that the two are just friends these days. "We've been working on our friendship again. We have maintained a very close friendship ever since the restraining order was dropped. ... We're very, very close friends," she told the talk show maven. "We built a trust again and that's it. We love each other and we probably always will, and that's not anything that we're going to try to change. It's not something you can shut off.
"No, he's in a relationship of his own. I'm single but we have maintained a very close friendship," she continued. "We've just worked on it little by little. And it's not easy." And, that means that sometimes they have run-ins with one another, including a highly publicized encounter at a party in France earlier this summer. "Yes I did [see him]. We went to a mutual friend's party on a yacht. It's awkward because I still love him ... my stomach drops, and I have to maintain this poker face and not let it get to the outer part of me," she said. "I have to maintain that and suppress it. When you don't understand those feelings you can make a lot of mistakes."
"I truly love him — the main thing for me is he's at peace," she explained. "I'm not at peace if he's not happy or he's still lonely. I care. It actually matters that he finds that peace."
Rihanna explained during the interview, shot in her native Barbados, that her own anger for Brown was a mirror image of the feelings she held for her father. After she "repaired" her relationship with her dad she could then forgive Brown.
"I have forgiven [Brown]. It took me a long time. I was angry for a long time. I was resentful. I was dark. It was coming out in my music. It was coming out in my attitude. It was heavy," she said, explaining that she would push men away before she let go of all the negative events from her childhood, including watching the abusive relationship her father had toward her mother.
"I thought I hated Chris and I realized it was love that was tarnished. It looked like hate because it was ugly, it was angry, it was inflamed, it was tainted and I realized that what it was is," she said. "And the minute I let go of that, I started living again."
What did you think of Rihanna's on-air honesty? Let us know in the comments!
And, she candidly discussed the nature of her relationship then, and now, with the singer.
Rih and Brown began dating one another as up-and-coming teen stars and quickly emerged as one of the hottest young couples in music before that fateful night in February 2009.
Looking back on their time together, she said during "Oprah's Next Chapter," "I think he was the love of my life. He was my first love, and I see that he loved me the same way. We ran free, we ran wild. We were going at a really rapid pace that we forgot about ourselves as individuals. We needed something to completely shut that off. "
While the pair has been linked romantically in the years since they split in the wake of the incident, Rihanna shared that the two are just friends these days. "We've been working on our friendship again. We have maintained a very close friendship ever since the restraining order was dropped. ... We're very, very close friends," she told the talk show maven. "We built a trust again and that's it. We love each other and we probably always will, and that's not anything that we're going to try to change. It's not something you can shut off.
"No, he's in a relationship of his own. I'm single but we have maintained a very close friendship," she continued. "We've just worked on it little by little. And it's not easy." And, that means that sometimes they have run-ins with one another, including a highly publicized encounter at a party in France earlier this summer. "Yes I did [see him]. We went to a mutual friend's party on a yacht. It's awkward because I still love him ... my stomach drops, and I have to maintain this poker face and not let it get to the outer part of me," she said. "I have to maintain that and suppress it. When you don't understand those feelings you can make a lot of mistakes."
"I truly love him — the main thing for me is he's at peace," she explained. "I'm not at peace if he's not happy or he's still lonely. I care. It actually matters that he finds that peace."
Rihanna explained during the interview, shot in her native Barbados, that her own anger for Brown was a mirror image of the feelings she held for her father. After she "repaired" her relationship with her dad she could then forgive Brown.
"I have forgiven [Brown]. It took me a long time. I was angry for a long time. I was resentful. I was dark. It was coming out in my music. It was coming out in my attitude. It was heavy," she said, explaining that she would push men away before she let go of all the negative events from her childhood, including watching the abusive relationship her father had toward her mother.
"I thought I hated Chris and I realized it was love that was tarnished. It looked like hate because it was ugly, it was angry, it was inflamed, it was tainted and I realized that what it was is," she said. "And the minute I let go of that, I started living again."
What did you think of Rihanna's on-air honesty? Let us know in the comments!
Chris And Rihanna Were 'Music's New Royalty'
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